Friday, December 28, 2012

First Post

So I am weirdly nervous about writing this post even though I have zero readers. This is really something for me though not to get more reader/any readers. So here are some reasons why I am doing this: 

1) Because it is an outlet
2) I'm hoping to use it as an excuse to get out and do things more
3) I want to use this as a reason to take more photos. I used to love taking pictures, it really inspired me. But I somehow got away from it and now I will be lucky if I take 10 in a four month period. 

This brings me to my first idea for the blog, I think I want to try a 365 day project of taking a single picture a day. Shouldn't be too difficult right? Maybe? We will just have to see how this goes. I'm not sure when I want to start it though. I think this blog is going to be about me, and crafts, and cooking. Just things I like. But I mean who know's what I will end up doing with this.

So here goes nothing!